What we believe

What we believe

Community Nature Station Cooperative (CNS CoOp) is a Non-profit organization that believes in the holistic approach of Nature,  Culture and Tourism collective. This approach recognizes that the well-being of all individuals, communities, and environments is essential, both in the present and for future generations.

This community based cooperative organization is focused on building a community of primarily Washingtonian residents who share a love for nature and a desire to explore and protect the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest while celebrating their heritage. By bringing together like-minded individuals, this organization can create opportunities for people to connect with one another, share their knowledge and passion for outdoor recreation, and work together to promote conservation efforts in the region. We like to think globally but act locally!  While exploring and studying the parks, mountains, and forests, the organization also aims to enjoy the beautiful attractions around them, which can be a great way to deepen connections with nature and appreciate the natural world.

Community Nature Station recognizes that travel provides an opportunity to educate and inspire travelers to have a more meaningful experience with the places they visit. It seeks to shed light on issues that may harm destinations and promote awareness of how each individual can become a better local and global steward. Through this approach, CNS aims to foster a deeper connection between travelers, the destinations they explore, and the global community as a whole.

While outdoor adventure is a privilege, we believe that it should not come at the expense of people or the environment, or be accessible by certain sectors of society.  Instead, it should be an opportunity to empower all communities and especially minorities who traditionally have been disadvantaged and contribute to positive change in the world. By conducting CNS activities in a responsible manner, the aim is to ensure the greatest benefits for the local community while respecting the natural environment and the rights and cultures of local and indigenous peoples.

Integrated and Resourceful

we’re committed to being integrated and resourceful in our approach to collaborate with other key local organization , social groups and entities involved with nature and outdoor. Integration is at the core of our operations, where we strive to seamlessly connect various aspects of our organization, fostering collaboration and efficiency among different teams and departments. We believe that by working together, we can harness our collective strengths to achieve our goals. 

Advocacy To Make Different

Advocacy for nature and earth conservation is our passionate mission. We’re dedicated to making a positive impact by raising awareness, influencing policies, and promoting sustainable practices. Our goal is to inspire change, protect endangered ecosystems, and combat climate change. Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, we aim to create a brighter future for our planet, ensuring that the beauty and vitality of nature are preserved for generations to come.

All About Nature

Nature and wellness go hand in hand, offering a serene escape from the chaos of everyday life. Immersing oneself in natural surroundings can rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul, promoting physical health and emotional well-being. Nature and art share a beautiful connection, with artists drawing inspiration from the colors, patterns, and tranquility of the outdoors to create captivating works that resonate with the human spirit. Nature and music, too, create a harmonious symphony. The soothing melodies of birds, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the rhythm of flowing water can evoke profound emotional responses, making nature an enchanting muse for composers and musicians. Moreover, the bond between nature and medicine is undeniable, with green spaces providing therapeutic benefits that aid in the healing process. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a moment of solitude in a forest, nature has the power to mend and soothe. Lastly, nature and humanity are deeply interwoven. Our very existence depends on the environment, and understanding and preserving the delicate balance between the two is essential for the future of our planet and the well-being of all living creatures.


One of our goals is to foster collaborative partnerships with fellow nonprofit organizations, local communities, and grassroots programs, all with a shared goal of encouraging outdoor exploration and community development. By working together, we aim to create opportunities for people to connect with nature, build vibrant communities, and experience the numerous physical and mental health benefits that come from outdoor activities. Through these alliances, we believe we can make a significant and positive impact on the well-being of both individuals and the broader community, while simultaneously contributing to the conservation of our natural world.

Your Adventure Starts Here

Nature Station: Igniting the power of people, passion, and perseverance. Join us as we explore the great outdoors, fostering connection, enthusiasm, and resilience.