Vision, Mission and Goals


Our vision is to be the premier destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring landscapes, rich culture, and endless possibilities that Washington state has to offer. Also to discover and celebrate the natural wonders and beauty of the Pacific Northwest, while fostering a deep appreciation for its diverse landscapes and ecosystems.


Our mission is to empower volunteers, enable personal growth, foster a sense of ownership and collaboration, establish a rewarding cooperative culture and business model that maximizes the benefits for our members based on their expertise to ultimately build a stronger and more engaged community.

We strive to create an inclusive and supportive community where volunteers are recognized, appreciated, and provided with meaningful opportunities to contribute their talents. By fostering a cooperative environment, we aim to harness the collective strength and diversity of our members to achieve common goals and create positive social impact. Through our innovative business model, we seek to ensure that the skills and expertise of our members are valued and rewarded equitably, fostering a sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship.


The organization goals aim to create a vibrant and supportive community of individuals or entities who share a passion for the outdoors and a desire to explore and protect the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest in following domains:

  • Enjoy the nature of the Pacific Northwest in all four seasons
      • Plan and organize outdoor activities that take advantage of the unique beauty and diversity of each season
      • Encourage members to explore and appreciate the natural wonders of the region
  • Promote social outdoor activities leveraging the group knowledge and support
      • Organize group hikes, camping trips, and other outdoor activities that allow members to connect and share their love for nature
      • Encourage members to share their expertise and knowledge with the group, promoting a culture of learning and growth
  • Learn new skills and outdoor sports recreational activities
      • Offer workshops and training sessions to help members develop new skills and try new outdoor activities
      • Encourage members to challenge themselves and step outside their comfort zones
  • Share experiences and others from nature tourism and exploration
      • Encourage members to share their experiences and insights from outdoor activities and nature tourism
      • Explore the most affordable and low risks adventures from hands on experiences 
  • Foster a culture of environmental stewardship and conservation 
    • Promoting responsible exploration and appreciation of natural spaces
    • Partnering and engaging with local nature conservation projects


To achieve its goals  the cooperative organization shall pursue the following objectives:

Organize and lead group activities such as hiking, camping, and other outdoor adventures, as well as cultural events that promote cross-cultural understanding.

Educate members and the general public about the natural environment of the Pacific Northwest, its ecological significance, and the need to conserve it.

Collaborate with other organizations, government agencies, and stakeholders to promote the conservation and responsible use of natural resources.

Empower members with the necessary knowledge, resources, and support to build cooperative business models that promote sustainability and enhance the local economy.

Promote the use of nature and natural resources as a means of promoting wellness, stress reduction, and a high quality of life for members and the general public.

Create a platform for members to share their experiences and adventures, learn from each other, and leave their comfort zones by trying new things.

Build relationships with local community partners through educational and social events such as celebrating traditional and cultural festivals, International Nature Day, and other similar events to promote our mission and raise awareness about our cause.

Promote tourism and urban adventures that highlight the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest, such as organizing city tours, museum visits, and other activities that connect our members with the local community and promote appreciation for the region’s history and natural wonders.

Aid, support, and assist by gifts, contributions or otherwise, other nonprofits, community chests, funds and foundations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, or educational purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; and 

Conduct any and all lawful activities which may be necessary, useful or desirable for the furtherance, accomplishment, fostering or attainment of the foregoing purposes, either directly or indirectly and either alone or in conjunction or cooperation with others, whether such others be persons or organizations of any kind or nature, such as corporations, firms, associations, trusts, institutions, foundations, or governmental bureaus, departments, or agencies.

Your Adventure Starts Here

Nature Station: Igniting the power of people, passion, and perseverance. Join us as we explore the great outdoors, fostering connection, enthusiasm, and resilience.